Volume 4, Issue 1 (Autumn 2017)                   2017, 4(1): 71-84 | Back to browse issues page

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Yaghobi A, Zoghipaidar M R, Nabizadeh S. The relationship between religious orientation and death anxiety with mental health among elderly. Journal title 2017; 4 (1) :71-84
URL: http://jgn.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-250-en.html
Bu-Ali Sina University , yaghobi41@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6176 Views)
Introduction:  Diseases, physical and psychological problems are important issues in the field of aging that occur during this period.  Diseases and health problems and facing the end of life and experience death anxiety cause of threatening the mental health of the elderly. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to predict the mental health of the elderly based on religious orientation and death anxiety in 2017.
 Method: The research method was survey and correlation type. The population consisted of all elderly in Hamedan. Sample size was estimated 146 people using Gpower software that 150 people were selected for study by available sampling method . For data collection, Allport and Ross religious orientation scale, Templar death anxiety scale and general health questionnaire were used. Research data were analyzed using pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression methods by SPSS 22 statistical software.
Results: Findings in Pearson correlation showed that there was a significant and negative relationship between death anxiety and mental health (r = - 0.40, p <0.01) and positive relationship between religious orientation and mental health among elderly (r = 0.31 =, p <0.01). Regression results showed that predictor variables predict 28% of  mental health variance. The intrinsic religious orientation with a beta coefficient of 0.27 predicts mental health positively and death anxiety with a beta coefficient of - 0.41 predicts mental health negatively. The extrinsic religious orientation variable does not play a significant role in predicting mental health.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the variables of intrinsic religious orientation and death anxiety can affect the mental health of the elderly. Therefore, considering the role of these variables in predicting mental health, the research results can provide valuable information to families and institutions associated with the elderly to improve the mental health of the them.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/10/8 | Accepted: 2017/12/6 | Published: 2017/12/16

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