Reviewers Section

 | Post date: 2017/09/14 | 
After the submission of the manuscript to the journal, according to the journal policy, several reviewers will be selected for reviewing the given article, who are informed through an email:
Mr/Mrs ….... Hello
You are invited to visit the Journal of Geriatric Nursing as a reviewer. You can check out articles online by logging into your database with your username.
Title of articles
Required information to enter the database
Username: Reviewer’s name
We will be thankful for letting us know about your decision by clicking one of the links below.
                      Yes, I will review the article                            No, I will not review the article
With best regards,
How does the reviewer review the article?
The reviewers must click on the article review section after logging into their homepage. Then, they go to the “New articles” section and download the articles. After expressing the comments on the article, they upload the article on the review section.
After receiving the authors’ responses to reviewer, the confirmation email is sent to the reviewer as follows:
Confirmation of the final manuscript
We received the responses to reviewer for the article ................ with the review code of ................ at Journal of Geriatric Nursing.
We hope that we can use your valuable assistance in the future reviews.
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